Maintenance services & Refits

Maintenance services & Refits
Maintenance services & Refits

Have your yacht maintained or refitted

You decide what we do for you

As a yacht owner, you naturally want to enjoy sailing. You may be very fond of DIY; then it may not be a problem to maintain your yacht yourself. But if you mainly want to relax on your sailboat and leave the rest to others, Happy Sailing is the place to do that.

If desired, we can arrange all maintenance and winter storage for you. It is also possible that you would like to do certain things yourself, that is also possible. We therefore set up a collaboration in which we take care of what you want.

You can think of things like:

  • Winterize your yacht
  • Move to winter storage and back to your berth in spring
  • Cleaning and polishing the hull
  • Apply antifouling
  • Repair defects and damage
  • etcetera

Of course it is then possible to recoup these costs through the rental. In the end you can sail at very low cost (or even for free or at a profit) without having to work on it yourself!



The smallest upgrades can often change the experience of a yacht enormously

Using our knowledge and contacts with the specialized dealers and service companies, you can refit your sailing yacht very economically and professionally. Whether it is because you want to rent out or sell your yacht or simply because you want to sail around in a fresh looking yacht again.

As with all our other services, everything is done in consultation with you. We give advice on what you can adapt to your ship and you indicate what you would like to upgrade yourself. In this way we arrive at a picture that suits your situation.

You can also recoup these costs through our Happy Renting model.


See you soon and remember….

Be Happy, Be Sailing ! 

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