The marinas of Enkhuizen

The marinas of Enkhuizen

havens enkhuizen

Enkhuizen has a lot of possibilities for water sports enthusiasts. The marina “compagnieshaven” has a wonderful restaurant and beautiful playground, while the old harbor offers great cosiness again.

The new locks at Enkhuizen run very regularly, so there are no more congestions as we were used to…

For those who want it a little quieter, we have the Buijshaven next to the station. Ideal for picking up new crew!

Enkhuizen has a distant VOC past and is an authentic fishing village. The beautiful Zuiderzee Museum (next to the company harbour) and the indoor museum show how it used to be. The Zuiderzee Museum is great fun for children aged 6-15, but also for those interested in the history of both the VOC and Enkhuizen itself.
If you moor your ship in the company port it is only a 10 minute walk to the subtropical swimming pool and of course for the youngest among us the unique fairytale wonderland!

Enkhuizen has a number of ports around the city center:

The company harbor is located at the entrance of the Krabbersgat. The company harbor is a very luxurious and extensive marina, fully equipped. This harbor has a modern harbor building with a harbor shop, water sports shop, sailmaker, and yacht service. The playground is very popular with the children, and you can have a delicious dinner at the Mastenbar, with a unique terrace on the scraper hole!
It is a 5 minute walk to the shopping street of Enkhuizen, and 10 minutes to most of the restaurants and bars of which there are many in Enkhuizen!
It is possible to anchor in the harbor basin of the company harbour, this is also possible for overnight stays. There is some harbor dues, so a dinghy is handy to get to the harbor office!
The harbor masters in Enkhuizen are very friendly, and if you have any special requests, don’t hesitate to ask! Tip for sailors with children; ask for a spot at the playground, a few beautiful new boxes were made there last year.
click here for the company harbor website.

The municipal harbor of Enkhuizen is actually a large bowl which is located right next to the station. Being in the municipal harbor means that you are often alongside. The municipal harbor is very easy to enter from the Krabbersgat and you do not have to cross a bridge or the like.
It is a few minutes walk to the center of Enkhuizen, and there is a very nice restaurant on the harbor called “Waterfront”. There is a beautiful view over the Krabbersgat and the harbours.
The port office of the municipal ports is on the starboard side when entering the municipal port. They can be reached on VHF channel VHF 12.

What’s even more fun is to sail directly starboard at the entrance of the municipal harbor, through the old lock, and then straight on through the drawbridge. The port service can be reached via VHF 12, and they are happy to open the old drawbridge for you. You can then moor on the starboard side just in front of the restaurants and bars! Just ask the harbor service if there is still room, because this harbor in the center of Enkhuizen can be full, although there is usually still a mooring place to create.

The buyshaven is actually only for permanent berth holders. You can also moor there as a passer-by if desired, but please call in advance. It is a nice quiet harbor just outside Enkhuizen. There is a lot of grass around the harbor which is perfect for children and dogs.

Clik here for the website of the Buyshaven.

Tips for Enkhuizen; Zuiderzee Museum, fun for children from 6 years, but also for adults. Here you can see the history of Enkhuizen, and of the VOC. There is an old eel smokehouse, brick oven, old Dutch games and much more.
It is only a 5 minute walk from the company port, and 10 minutes from the other ports.
Clik here for the website of the Zuiderzee Museum.

There is also the Fairytale Wonderland for children aged 2-7 years. This is located next to the Enkhuizer beach and the subtropical swimming pool. Both are a 10-minute walk from the company harbour.
Fairytale Wonderland is very popular and well-known, children come there from all over the country. The entrance fee and the food and drinks in the park are very reasonable.

Back to article about the IJsselmeer.

Below is a nice promotional film about Enkhuizen.


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