Group outings

Company outings or Teambuilding

Flat bottoms for 2 to 222 people in IJsselmeer, Waddenzee, Markermeer and Zeeland

group outings
group outings

Group outings, Company outings or Teambuilding

It is always a very pleasant experience to go sailing with a group of people you care about. Whether this is friends, colleagues or family, the bond is always strengthened when you are actively engaged on the water.

Actively sail along or just relax relaxed

At Happy Sailing you always decide for yourself whether you participate actively or relaxed when sailing; everything is possible in consultation with the skipper who will steer your ship. If you want you can learn everything like tacking, jibing, steering, hoisting and lowering sails and much more.

Match race sailing!

You can also have a Match Race with 2 or more sailing yachts. The groups then follow a certain course where you naturally want to cross the finish line first! Or you can sail in 2 or more teams to another beautiful harbor and have a delicious lunch there. After lunch you will sail satisfied again to the home port of the yachts you have rented.

View everything on: this page for company outings, group outings, teambuilding and family outings.

Do you have questions? Feel free to call or email us via 0229 750 739 or via the contact form.

Be Happy, soon you will Be Sailing !

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