Sailing course

for novice sailors

Learn to sail during this (mid)week sailing training in May or June 2021 (date to be announced)

sailing lessons
sailing lessons

Learn to sail in a relaxed way (even better) during this late summer sailing holiday / course.

For whom?
Happy Sailing is organizing this late summer week especially for starting and average sailors. Depending on the weather, we will sail the IJsselmeer, Markermeer, the Frisian lakes and/or the Waddenzee. Perhaps also the North Sea if the weather permits and this is considered a good idea by all participants. We will moor in beautiful harbor towns such as Enkhuizen, Stavoren, Lemmer, Hindeloopen, Oude Schild and Terschelling West.

What can you expect?

During this pleasant sailing trip you will learn, for example:

  • Sailing and steering the various courses (close to the wind, half wind, broad wind and downwind)
  • Trimming the sails (mainsail and jib)
  • Determine rates from the map
  • Developing feeling when steering
  • Getting familiar with a sailing yacht
  • Sailing terms and important knots
  • Sailing in various weather conditions
  • Mooring and sailing in ports, locks and quays
  • Possibly also night sailing (in consultation)
  • Working together and making it a beautiful, atmospheric and instructive trip as a team!

The sailing yacht
We are going to experience the trip on this beautiful Van de Stadt 40 from home port Katwoude near Monnickendam on the Markermeer.

Zeiljacht Norman 40 huren Monnickendam

Costs: €750. We also keep a joint on-board cash register for food, drinks, harbor dues and diesel.
Location of departure and arrival: Marina ‘De Zeilhoek’ in Katwoude next to Monnickendam
Reception: (date to follow) between 11:00 and 12:00. After explanation and a short introduction, we set sail around 13:00
Return: (date to follow) between 11:00 and 16:00; depending on wind and sailing distance to home port Monnickendam
What to bring: comfortable and warm clothing, a sailing suit (check the weather forecast beforehand) and a sleeping bag with pillow.

Sign Up
You can register using the form below or by calling us on 0229 750 739.

    Name (mandatory)

    Email (mandatory)

    Phone Number


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    Be Happy, soon you will be Sailing !

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