Rent a sailboat in Enkhuizen?
Enkhuizen is a great place for sailors. You can choose from no fewer than 4 ports to spend the night. Something for everyone!
For those who want fun, there is the Oude Haven, where you can moor in the middle of the bustling life of Enkhuizen. Another option is the Marina Compagnieshaven, where all amenities are there!
Below you can see a number of our ships that we rent out from Hoorn, only 2 hours sailing from Enkhuizen!
Click here for all our ships.
The company harbor is a super modern marina, equipped with all comforts. Free WiFi, modern clean toilet block, harbor shop, water sports shop, sailmaker and yacht service. All together.
When you enter the Compagnies harbor in Enkhuizen, you will continue towards the harbor building where you will be assigned a berth for the boat.
The company harbor is a favorite for children. A nice playground is the gathering place for children. And next to the playground is Bar/Restaurant the “Mastenbar” where the parents can enjoy some refreshments after a beautiful day of sailing!
The old harbor in Enkhuizen is the most pleasant place to moor the boat. If you are lucky there is still a berth on the quay right next to the Ankertje.
To sail to the old port, the old bridge next to the dromedary will be opened for you. You are out of the wind and in the middle of the bustling cosiness.
Read our articles about Enkhuizen here with all useful information and different ports in Enkhuizen